[LP 1010] Sub. Code: 4701 Q.P. Code: 664701
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination First Year Paper I
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Anatomy & Physiology
August 2019
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer Section A and Section B Separately
Section - A
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 12 = 12)
II. Write notes on: (3 x 5 = 15)
2. Blood supply of brain.
III. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
2. Name any four applied anatomy of pleura.
3. Coverings of eye ball.
4. Varicose vein.
5. Mention the types of muscle.
Section - B
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 13 = 13)
1. Define blood pressure. Explain the factors regulating blood pressure in detail. Add note on hypertension.
II. Write notes on: (3 x 5 = 15)
3. Functions of Hypothalamus.
III. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
3. Dead space.
4. Active transport.
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