[LC 1010] Sub.Code : 4716 Q.P. Code 664716
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination First Year Paper I
February 2013
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Elaborate on :
1. a. Define poverty
b. Describe types and factors of poverty
c. Explain causes and remedies of poverty
2. a. Write is marriage
b. Write in detail about types and functions of marriage
c. Discuss about the Family,Marriage,and their influence on health and health practice
II. Write short notes on :
1. Nature and scope of sociology
2. Characteristics of community
3. Nature of culture
4. Social group characteristics and classification
5. Effect of population
6. Rural community and their health practices
7. Factors of social change
8. Social organization elements and types
III. Short answer questions :
1. Write any tow social welfare program
2. Types of mobility
3. What is social change
4. Urban slum
5. What is extended family
6. What are the types for competition
7. Cultural log
8. Difference between community and society
9. Write any two importance of sociology
10. Voluntary association
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