[LB 1017 Sub.Code : 4716 Q.P. Code 664716
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper I
August 2012
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions
I. Write essays on :
1. Write an essay on Family and its role in individual’s health.
2. Define ‘Culture’ and its role in individual’s health.
II. Write short notes on :
1. Sociology and Nurse
2. Characteristics of community
3. Role of primary group in individual’s health
4. Modern family – Changes
5. Social Control and its types
6. Difference between society and community
7. Family and health
8. Population distribution in India.
III. Short answer questions :
1. Define sociology
2. Theories of Society
3. Elements of Culture
4. Effects of over population
5. Functions of Marriage
6. Social stratification
7. Community Development programmes
8. List out any four voluntary organizations
9. Types of Social control
10. Vulnerable groups.
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