[LK 1013] Sub. Code: 4704
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
First Year
August 2011
Q.P. Code: 664704
Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 Marks Answer all questions
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Define personality and write various tests of personality.
2. Define learning and explain the trial and error learning proposed by Thorndike.
II. Write short notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
- Types of thinking
- I.Q.
- Perceptual constancy
- Experimental method
- Basic concepts fo Freud
- Primary needs
- Characteristics of mentally healthy person
- Sources of frustration
III Short answer questions : (10 x 2 = 20)
- Mention any four types of conflict
- Write any four branches of pshychology
- Mention any four secondary motives
- Write any four stages of creativity
- Mention any four personality inventories
- Name eight psycho social stages of personality proposed by Erickson
- State any two principles of psychological assessment
- Mention any two factors of forgetting
- Write a few external determinants of attention
- Mention two theories of emotion
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