[LC 1019] Sub. Code: 4718
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Second Year
February 2013
Paper III – Pharmacology, Pathology and Genetics
Q.P. Code : 664718
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer Section A and Section B Separately
Section A
I. Essay: (1X20=20)
1. a) Classify the drugs used in treatment of peptic ulcer
b) Discuss the pharmacological acitons and adverse effects of ranitidine and omeprazole
II. Write Short Notes on : (4X 5 =20)
1. Metformin
2. Paracetamol]
3. Suucinylcholine
4. Antiplatelet drugs
III. Short Answer Questions: (5X 2 =10)
1. Prodrug
2. Teratogenecity
3. Write a few side effects of cetrizine
4. Mention few side effects of Warfarin
5. Mention a few side effects of aspirin
Section B
(Pathology and Genetics)
I. Essay: (1X20=20)
1. Discuss the steps involved in wound healing
II. Write Short Notes on : (2X 5 =10)
1. Types of necrosis
2. Ghon complex
I. Write Short Notes on : (2X 5 =10)
1. Blood group systems .
2. Structural chromosal abnormalities.
II. Short Answer Questions: (5X 2 =10)
1. Deletion in chromosomes
2. Prenatal genetic analysis
3. Name 2 methods for detection of genetic alterations
4. Mention 2 features of Down syndrome
5. Define genomics
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