[LA 1027] Sub. Code: 4733 Q.P. Code : 664733
B.Sc (Nursing) Degre Examination Final Year Paper III
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Nursing Research & Statistics
February 2012
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Elaborate on: (1X15=15)
1. a) Explain the purposes of research.
b) Classify research design and explain any one research design with example.
II. Write notes on : (4X 5 =20)
1. Type I and Type II error.
2. Promoting utilization of research.
3. Dependant variable.
4. Exclusion criteria.
III. Short Answer: (7X 2 =14)
1. What is validity and reliability?
2. Types of close ended questions.
3. Name any two types of data collection.
4. Define Manipulation.
5. Write the meaning of assumption.
6. Null hypothesis.
7. Research objectives.
I. Elaborate on: (1X15=15)
1. A workshop was conducted for five hours to improve the self efficacy. Twelve clients were participating in that workshop, the data was colleted before and after the workshop was given below. Is the workshop benefit for the clients or not (table value 2.042)
Before : 48 56 58 60 61 61 62 63 64 66 66 66
After : 73 78 67 74 72 73 65 79 77 80 78 79
I. Write notes on : (1X 5 =5)
1. Co-efficient of Correlation.
II. Short Answer: (3X 2 = 6)
1. What is Cohart Study?
2. Define Probability.
3. Differentiate Qualitative and Quantitative research.
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