[LR 1027] Sub. Code: 4724 Q.P. Code: 664724
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Third Year Paper III
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2013-2014 onwards)
(August 2020 Session)
Nursing Research & Statistics
December 2020
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Section – A
Nursing Research
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 15 = 15)
1. List out the Characteristics of Good Research. Explain Quantitative Research in detail.
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Research process.
2. Research objectives.
3. Dependent variable.
4. Types of Survey.
5. Steps in review of Literature.
III. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Write a Null-Hypothesis statement.
2. List any four barriers in Evidence Based Practice.
3. Define target population.
4. List four purpose of Sampling.
5. State Hawthorne effect.
Section – B
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 15 = 15)
1. The following data represent a sample of the time to complete a certain task in minutes
and seconds (mm:ss).
6:30, 11:15, 6:22, 11:32, 8:12, 5:02, 9:17, 6:51, 8:44, 7:45, 9:37, 7:28, 4:29, 7:42
a. Calculate the mean.
b. Calculate the standard deviation.
II. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Define Incidence Rate.
2. Define Degrees of freedom?
3. List the types of ‘t’ test.
4. List any four Diagrams used in Statistics.
5. Define Bio-statistics.
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