[BSCN 0321] Q.P. Code: 664705Sub. Code: 4705
(August 2020 Session)
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
First Year
Paper V – Microbiology
March 2021
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Write in detail about Laboratory Methods for Identification of Microorganisms.
2. Write in detail about Bio-Medical Waste Management.
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Antibody Structure.
2. Explain Bacterial Motility.
3. Explain Zoonoses Infection with Example.
4. Protocol for Safe Blood Transfusion.
5. Difference between Active and Passive Immunity.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Use of Terminology.
2. Use of Electron Microscope.
3. Bacterial Colonization.
4. Mention any four Mesophilic Human Bacteria.
5. Define Nosocomial Infection.
6. Define Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotics with two examples.
7. What is Black water fever?
8. Name Four Viruses which are transmitted by blood?
9. Cold chain.
10. Define Immunity.
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