[KW 1014 ] Sub. Code: 4705
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
First Year Q.P. Code : 664705
August 2008
Paper V – Microbiology
Time : Three hours Max : 75 marks
Answer All questions.
I. Essays: (2x15=30)
- Classify vaccines
- Describe immunisation schedule
- Write about BCG Vaccine
2. Classify Bacteria, write in detail about various structures of Bacterial cell.
II. Write Short Notes on : (5x 5 = 25)
- Hospital acquired infections
- Grams staining
- Antibodies
- Rabies vaccines
- ELISA test
III Short Answer Questions: 10 x 2 = 20
- Write any two contributions of Louis Pasteur
- what is ISO immunization ?
- Define Nosocomial infections
- Mention contributions of Edward Jenner
- Mention two uses of Pasteurization
- List the diagnostic methods for tuberculosis
- Mention two bacteria causing gas gangrene
- Give two examples of latent viral infection
- What are the target cells and the receptors for HIV ?
- Name any four opportunistic fungi
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