[KU 814] Sub. Code: 4763 Q.P. Code : 664763
B.Sc (Nursing ) Degree Examination Third Year/Sixth Semester Paper IV/II
(Revised/Modified Regulations)
Community Health Nursing - II
February 2009
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Define malnutrition. Discuss the various methods of assessment of nutritional status of a community?
2. Mention the factors affecting infant mortality. Discuss the preventive and social measures in the reduction of infant mortality.
II. Write Short Notes on : (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Medical Termination of pregnancy.
2. Breast feeding.
3. Community Health Centre.
4. Universal immunization programme.
5. Local dais.
III. Short Answer Questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. List two complications of measles.
2. Define quarantine.
3. Mention two advantages of copper T devices.
4. Define eligible couple and target couple.
5. Write two maternity benefits under ESI Act.
6. What are the four principles of formulating mid day meals for school.
7. What is special Nutrition programme.
8. Mention two functions of UNICEF.
9. Define growth and development.
10. Radical treatment of malaria.
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