[LD 1010] Sub. Code: 4701
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
First Year Q.P. Code : 664701
August 2013
Paper I - Anatomy and Physiology
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer Section A and Section B Separately
Section A
I. Essay: (1x20=20)
1. Describe the organs of urinary system in detail.
II. Write Short Notes on : (4x5=20)
1. Supports of uterus.
2. Pancreas.
3. Tongue.
4. Deltoid muscle
III. Short Answer Questions: (5x2=10)
1. Name the types of bones.
2. Name the veins used for intravenous injections.
3. Varicose veins.
4. Pleural recesses.
5. Differences between small intestine and large intestine.
Section B
I. Essay: (1x20=20)
1. Describe the structure of thyroid gland. Name the hormones of thyroid. Describe in detail the functions of thyroxine. Add a note on cretinism.
II. Write Short Notes on : (4x5=20)
1. Heart Sounds.
2. Functions of Hypothalamus.
3. Hypoxia
4. Factors affecting erythropoiesis.
III. Short Answer Questions: (5x2=10)
1. Name the Different types of Muscle.
2. List out any 4 functions of liver.
3. Non excretory functions of Kidney
4. Colour Blindness.
5. List out the methods of contraception in females.
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