Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
First Year B.Sc. (Nursing)
Degree Examination- March / April 2008
Physiology & Biochemistry
Q.P. Codes 1677 and 1678
Revised Scheme
(Note : Both QP Codes 1677 and 1678 are to be answered within total of 3 hours)
Q.P. Code 1677 - Section A - Physiology (40 Marks)
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay (Answer any one)
- Explain intrinsic and extrinsic mechanism of blood clotting
- Draw a neat diagram of Neuromuscular junction and label its parts and explain the mechanism of transmission of nerve impulse across it
Short Essays (Answer any three)
- Mention the names of endocrine glands present in the body and the hormones secreted by them
- Mention the different types of special senses present in the body and the receptors that detect them
- What are the different functions of the kidney and draw a neat diagram of nephron and label its parts
- Mention the functions of saliva
- Mention the actions of testosterone
Short Answers
- Mention any four family planning methods
- Define cardiac putput and what is the normal cardiac output
- Name the muscles of inspiration
- Mention any two parts of the brain and its functions
- What is mitosis and meiosis ? Where does it take place ?
Q.P. Code : 1678 - Section B - Biochemistry (40 Marks)
Use separate answer book
Long Essay (Answer any one)
- Enumerate the ketone bodies. How are they formed ? Give the causes for ketosis
- Describe the formation & fate of lactic acid in the body
Short Essays (Answer any four)
- Outline the importance of the amino acid - Glutamic acid
- What are plasma proteins ? Give their functions
- Biochemical role of thamine
- Role of Kidney in acid base balance
- Metabolic acidosis
Short answers
- Clinical utility of the enzymes alkaline phosphatase & acid phosphatase
- Night blindness - causes and prevention
- Name two antioxidants
- Coenzyme forms of pantothenic acid and riboflavin
- Protein energy malnutrition