Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
Second Year B.Sc. (Nursing) (Basic)
Degree Examination- October 2007 Old Scheme
Old Scheme - QP Code 1665
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Midwifery Including Maternity and Gynaecological Nursing
Your answers should be specific to the question asked.
Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (Answer any two) 2 x 10 = 20
1. Mrs.Krishnaveni primi with 7 moths amenorrhea admitted in OG ward with complaints of her foetal movements diagnosed as oligohydramnios
- Define oligohydramnios
- Explain pathophysiology including diet plan
- Write nursing process including diet plan
2. Define hypovolemic shock
- List etiology and diagnosis
- Explain mode of treatment including nursing care
- Define puerperal sepsis
- Explain mode of management
- Write nursing process
Short Essay (Answer any eight) 8 x 5 = 40 Marks
- Breast abscess
- Erythroblastocis foetalis
- Menstrual cycle
- Asphyxia neonatorum
- cord prolapse
- Birth injuries
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- DNA analysis
- Evisceration
- Facial palsy in new born
Short Answers 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
- Episiotomy
- Nagele's rule
- Colostrum
- Uterine shuffle
- Liquor amnii
- Masitits
- Dystocia
- Android pelvis
- Engorgement breast
- ABO incompatibility