Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
Second Year B.Sc. (Nursing) (PC)
Degree Examination- September 2015
(RS-3 & RS-4)
QP Code - 1744
Your answer shall be specific to the question asked
Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essays (Answer any two) 2 x 10 = 20
- List the aims of eduction
- Enumerate the principles of education
- Discuss the factors influencing development of philosophy of nursing eduction.
- Define communication
- Explain communication process and factors affecting communication
- Explain the importance of evaluation in nursing education
- List the methods of evaluation in nursing education
- Explain in detail any one method
Short Essay *(Answer any Seven) 7 x 5 = 35
- Maintenance of records in college of nursing
- Explain about field trup
- Principles of adult learning
- Steps in counselling process
- Physical facilities in school of nursing by Indian Nursing Council
- Explain about project method
- Basic principles of guidance and counselling
- Preparation of annual reports
- Attitude scale
Shortr Answers: 10 x = 20
- Barriers to effective group discussion
- Uses of micro teaching
- Team work in nursing
- Advantages of panel discussion
- Uses of chalk board
- List the clinical teaching methods
- Define objective structured clinical examination
- List the types of objectives
- Qualities of a counselor
- Steps in preparaton of a flip chart