Q.P. CODE: 402010 Reg. No: …
Final Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
Management of Nursing Service and Education
September 2019
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75
Answer all questions
Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays (2x15=30)
1. Define recruitment. Explain different steps in selection process. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of promotion as an internal source of recruitment. (2+7+6)
2. Differentiate between administration and management. List down the principles of administration by Henry Fayol. Explain the steps of planning. (2+7+6)
Short Notes (5x5=25)
3. Guidance and counselling
4. Importance of public relations in nursing administration
5. Master rotation plan
6. Indian Nursing Council
7. Nursing audit
Enumerate the following (5x2=10)
8. Four principles of organization
9. Four methods of patient care assignment
10.Four ethical concepts related to nursing
11.Four qualities of a leader
12.Four principles of adult learning
Differentiate between (5x2=10)
13.Incremental budget and zero based budget
14.Job description and job specification
15.Malpractice and negligence
16.In service education and continuing education
17.Bench marking and Gantt chart
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