B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination
Fourth semester
(Revised/Modified Regulations)
Paper I - Principles and Practice of Adult Nursing/Medical Surgical Nursing

Time : Half an hour                                        Maximum : 20 marks

    SECTION -C  (15 x 1 = 20 marks)
    (Multiple Choice Questions)
     Select the most appropriate response.

(Multiple Choice Questions)
     Select the most appropriate response.
1.    A  client with pyrexia will most likely demonstrate with
a)    Dyspnoea
b)    Chest pain
c)    Increased pulse rate
d)    Raised blood pressure

2.    Angina pectoris is a sign of
a)    Mitral insufficiency
b)    Myocardial inschaemia
c)    Myocardial infarction
d)    Coronary thrombosis

3.    When a client is receiving anticoagulants, the nursing care should include observation for :
a)    Nausea 
b)    Epistaxis 
c)    Head ache 
d)    Chest pain

4.    The nurse can best assess the degree of oedema in an extremity 
a)    Weighing the patient
b)    Checking for pitting
c)    Measuring the affected area
d)    Observing intake / output

5.    After a bone marrow aspiration, the nurse should
a)    Position the client on the affected side
b)    Monitor the vital signs frequently
c)    Cleanse the site with antiseptic solution
d)    Briefly apply pressure over the aspiration site

6.    A client who expectorates blood is having :
a)    Haematuria
b)    Haematoma
c)    Haematemesis 
d)    Haemoptysis

7.    One of the most common complication of chronic asthma is 
a)    Atelectasis 
b)    Emphysema
c)    pneumothorax
d)    pulmonary fibrosis

8.    After thoracentesis, the nurse should observe the client for
a)    Periods of confusion
b)    Expectoration of blood
c)    Increased breath sounds
d)    Decreased respiratory rate

9.    Under production of thyroxine produces
a)    Myxedema
b)    Acromegaly
c)    Grave's disease
d)    Cushing's disease

10.    To check for larngeal nerve injury after thyroidectomy, the nurse should
a)    Ask the client to speak
b)    Ask the client to swallow
c)    Ask the client to hum a tume
d)    Swab the throat to test  for gag reflex

11.    An effective first aid treatment for an alkali burn is to flush with water and then apply
a)    A dilute base  
b)    A weak acid
c)    A salt solution
d)    An antibiotic solution

12.    During the early postoperative period after colostomy, the nursing care should include
a)    Witholding all fluids for 72 hours
b)    Limiting fluid intake for several days
c)    Having the client change the dressing
d)    Keeping the skin around the stoma clean and dry

13.    One calssic sign of hepatic coma is :
a)    Bile coloured stools
b)    Elevated cholesterol
c)    Flapping hand tremours
d)    Depresseed muscle reflexes

14.    Pancytopenia is seen in 
a)    Aplastic anaemia
b)    Iron deficiency anaemia
c)    Pernicious anaemia
d)    Megaloblastic anaemia

15.    Colles fracture is caused by
a)    Fall on the outstretched palm 
b)    Fall on the back
c)    Blunt injury
d)    Head injury

16.    One of the complications of typhoid fever is
a)    Cardiac failure
b)    Renal failure 
c)    Intestinal perforation and haemorrhage
d)    Vomiting .

17.    The drug of choice for amoebiasis is
a)    Metronidazole
b)    Penicillin
c)    Paracetamol 
d)    Lasix

18.    The basic pathophysiologic problem in cirrhosis of liver causing oesophageal varices is
a)    Ascitess and oedema
b)    Portal hypertension
c)    Loss of regeneration
d)    Dilated veins and varicosities.

19.    Complete lung expansion before the removal of chest tubes is
a)    Return of normal tidal volume
b)    Absence of additional drainage
c)    Decreased adventitious sounds
d)    Comparison of chest x-rays.

20.    Hydrocortisone is given after
a)    Appendicectomy
b)    Adrenalectomy
c)    Thyroidectomy 
d)    Colectomy

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